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New dates of regattas of Russian Dragon Association year 2020

Open Russia Championship – August, 19 – 23 , Silver Cup — September, 4 – 6 . Both regattas will take place Finn gulf , “Terijoki Yachtclub”  197720, S. Petersburg, Zelenogorsk, Gavannaja str., 1/А. Details  here  

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Dragon 90th Anniversary

It is intresting to know why in such a technical sport as sailing, some old classes of yachts can survive despite the rapidly developing technologies and materials. There is no clear answer – apparently, each case has its own reasons. Take for example the Dragon class yachts. First of all, we should note the excellent…

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The Russian championship will be held at the Terijoki yacht club, Zelenogorsk

Dear colleagues! Dear Dragon sailors! The Association’s management decided to hold the Russian Dragon championship at the Terijoki yacht club at the address: Zelenogorsk, Gavannaya street, 1 lit. A. (passing through St. Plagia). The Russian championship will be held on the dates stated in the calendar from June 13 to 18, 2020 (June 18 is…

Russia’s open championship 2019

Russia’s open championship in Saint Petersburg started in the Dragon class straight after Marblehead Trophy 2019. This time Estonia was also represented by two yachts – Aleksei Zhigadlo’s “Sparwen”  (Nikolai Koryahckin, Kirill Yasnov) and Eduard Gorbunov’s “Anna”  (Nikolai Polyakov, Alar Volmer). 27 Dragons started the race. Our yachts came in eleventh and twelfth. Regatta website: http://dragonopen.russiandragon.ru Results: http://dragonopen.russiandragon.ru/docs/Results-RusDragonOpen2019-28072019.pdf Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/134713443@N08/sets/72157709892704042/

Marblehead Trophy regatta 2019

Marblehead Trophy regatta took place in Saint Petersburg from the 23rd to the 26th of July 2019 with 22 participants from 7 countries. Estonia was represented by two dragons – Dmitri Bondarenko’s “Heuschrechke”(Hugo Rocha, Charles Nankin) and Eduard Gorbunov’s “Anna” (Nikolai Polyakov, Alar Volmer). “Heuschrechke” finished the race fifth and “Anna” came in seventh. Regatta website – http://marblehead.russiandragon.ru Results – http://marblehead.russiandragon.ru/ru/results-ru/ Gallery – http://marblehead.russiandragon.ru/ru/photo-ru/  …